Student standing with signs about Climate

Peacebuilding and Social Justice

Minor in Peacebuilding and Social Justice 

Analyze and support the messy and complex interpersonal, 公共, and international conflicts around the world with a minor in peacebuilding and social justice at the University of Mount Union. Our program is grounded in the humanities and draws from the social sciences and other academic realms. The minor provides an excellent complement to any academic major. Faculty in the program are committed to teaching theoretical understanding, practical skills-building, and engagement with diversity, which prepares you for graduate work and for a career in law, 教育, 咨询, 业务, the not-for-profit world, 社会服务, and many other fields. 


As part of the peacebuilding and social justice program, you will learn to develop creative, 非暴力, and sustainable solutions and leverage your interdisciplinary training and disciplinary expertise to prevent conflict and to act as makers and sustainers of peace and justice in their homes, 工作场所, 和社区.  

Peacebuilding and Social Justice 快速的事实

  • 个性化的 advising to navigate the program in a manner that best suits your interests and future career goals. 
  • 出国留学, service-learning trips, conferences travel and independent research opportunities are available to students. 
  • Enrollment opportunities in Mount Union’s 3+2 Master of 艺术 in Social Justice program, in partnership with Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO). 
  • 使用 what you learn in class through the Peace Building Society student organization. 


  • 课程

    Peacebuilding and Social Justice 课程

    The courses within the program well with a wide range of majors across the University.  Courses are also taught by well-rounded and committed faculty who also teach in other departments, giving you knowledge from many areas. 

    检查 Undergraduate Catalog 威尼斯人app下载.